Raja Raja Chora on Zee Telugu - Known for choosing different stories, Sree Vishnu has cemented himself as a remarkable actor with films like Brochevarevarura and Mental Madhilo. Sree Vishnu is now back with yet another exciting movie Raja Raja Chora, a fun drama that narrates the journey of a small thief trapped in emotional turmoil. Despite being married, Bhaskar and Vidya are not on good terms, which prompts Bhaskar to fall for Sanjana in disguise as a software employee. Bhaskar manipulates things at work and decides to rob a house before moving to Bangalore with Sanjana for a better life. But destiny has other plans in store for them, exploring crime and redemption. What follows later will take you on an emotional rollercoaster ride. Directed by debutant Hasith Goli, the film is appreciated for its flawless screenplay and grippy narration. The movie opened to a gratifying response from the audience and received critical acclaim making it a perfect watch. Sree Vishnu is at his best as always and well supported by Megha Akash and Sunaina. Vivek Sagar's music transports us with the story and gently carries the film's mood. With a perfect mix of drama and fun, Raja Raja Chora is amust-watch. NOTE: Channel availability based on regional availability