A Digital Signature Certificate is a secure digital key that is issued by the certifying authorities to validate the identity of the person holding the certificates. These Digital Signatures make use of the public key encryptions to create digital signatures. A Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) contains the entire information including the user’s name, pin code, country, email address, date of issuance of the certificate and the name of the certifying authority like Capricorn. You can use Capricorn DSC to serve various purposes like ICEGATE,DGFT and other govt. portals including the income tax filling and more. Digital Signature Certificate is best way to sign digital documents online, no method is more advanced or secure than using a Digital Signature. You can use Capricorn DSCs to comply with the most demanding legal and regulatory requirements because it provides the highest level of assurance about each signer’s identity and the authenticity of the documents they sign. We aspire to make the digital identity valid and authorized for everyone.